Thursday, February 19, 2009

Producers User Stories

As Producer, I want to keep things simple and construct this game from the ground up with our core ideas and mechanics so we have a functioning product in 4 months time.

As Producer, I want to set specific roles for my team to focus on and turn in when expected.

As Producer, I want to make sure our planned game sticks to the Product Owners requests of the game being playable in 5 minutes, made up of the themes of Float, Stream and Grow, and to not be multiplayer.

As Producer, I want to keep our Product Owners up to date on the current state of the project as often as possible.

As Producer, I want my team to keep me up to date on the current state of the project as often as possible.

As Producer, I want the programmers to focus on getting the platforming aspects of the game working first.

As Producer, I want the artists to focus on organizing how sprites are going to work and what they are going to look like.

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