(example of the grid to be mapped out under the level)
As far as the art goes we need full level maps in one large image, and now if you wish you can have seperate backround tiles so that they move at different times and in directions, for example i will be putting all the clouds into different images so that they move at different paces.
Ben M is making his floating head monster and Ben R has missed the last two friday classes. Llew and Matt are working on the heads display for bits and points, Peter and James are working on collisions and gameplay for the 16-bit.
I'm having a major blocking issue with how long should the 16-bit level be? especially in reference to how fast the scrolling will be? i've been working on some idea's in paint but still need someone elses opinion on how the map should flow conserning platfroms and the multiple direction choices.
so i hope that brings you up to date, if you've got any questions just ask me. hope you feel better soon man.
Awesome, great to hear we've been going so well. I'll be in class tomorrow, feeling a fair bit better.
ReplyDeleteI think our best bet to get the actual distance of levels is to do some timing. That is, measure the time it takes to get from one side of the screen to next, and then apply that to the time each level is meant to last.
Using the speed we have in Bits.py, it takes around 4 seconds - probably 4.5 - to move across 640 pixels.
If each level is to last 100 seconds, that is a total map width of 16000 pixels for one level (or 500 blocks). Or a total of 48000 pixels for the whole game (or 1500 blocks).
Of course, that is assuming that the player is not stopping to pick up bits, jump over obstacles, etc. So there's a lot of room there that you'll likely never see the actual END of the very game if you play it as intended. Even if you don't play it as intended, you'd be hard pressed to make it there before the countdown ended.
Of course, that length could change if the relative speed of our character is different now from the bits.py document on the repository (which I do not doubt it is). But there you go.
I worked it out by timing how long it took me to get from one side of the screen to the other on a 640x480 screen (and to be safe, I started and finished the character outside of the limitations of the screen, so it would have been a bit further than 640 pixels traveled). Divided our level/game time (100/300 seconds) by the timed result (4 seconds) and then multiplied that by the distance traveled in the timed result (640px).
Wow, that was a lot of gibberish. Basically. Level Size = Game Time / Movement Speed x Distance Traveled.