Fixed the scale vertically. Scott, with the backgrounds that we currently have there's very little detail down around the bottom, so we should probably try to change that so that the screen isn't just filled with a solid color and there's something interesting there to look that.
I'm going to start creating tiles for 1 bit and 8 bit that are 64x64 pixels and act as tileable landscape. I know you've got some big ground tiles but I'm not sure they'll work, I'm thinking we'll have to go with a repeating tile that can be used for all major landscape. I'd suggest sticking to one 64x64px tile throughout all of the 16 Bit phase and then use a 32x32px tile to make bridges and platforms.
So basically you need one 64x64px "landscape" tile, and one 32x32px "platform" tile (no end caps, unfortunately - I'm thinking of time consumption and how long it's going to take the programmers to lay all this out inside of Python, even with our help).
EDIT: Thinking more about this and the tile engine that we have in place, I am not sure that the 32x32px tiles will work. It might be safer to make a second set of 64x64px tiles to act as platform tiles.